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Sixth Form - Tests

Sixth Form Admissions Policy and Procedural Arrangements

Policy and Procedural Arrangements for Sixth Form Admissions

Entry to Year 12 is on the basis of academic ability demonstrated by achievement at GCSE.

All applicants will complete an application form to nominate their A Level subject selection. 
For entry into Year 12 in September 2018, our Published Admission Number (PAN) for students who have not up to that point studied at Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls, is 20. The Sixth Form is open to girls only.

Places in the Sixth Form are offered on the basis of the following criteria:

  • A minimum of Grade 5 in either English Language or Literature and in Mathematics;
  • A minimum of five different subjects graded either A*-A or the new GCSE grades of 7-9;
  • The availability of places, bearing in mind the total efficiency of the school;
  • Meeting the required criteria for three or more subjects to be studied at A-Level.

In order to be able to take a particular subject at A-Level, a grade A*-A or 7-9 at GCSE in that subject is expected. Where the subject to be studied has not been taken at GCSE, an equivalent subject may be used at the discretion of the school.

Where Sixth Form places are over-subscribed, the following criteria will be applied to the allocation of places, in the order given below. Within each of the criteria, there will be rank ordering, based on academic ability demonstrated by GCSE grades:

  1. Current students
  2. Children who are looked after or previously looked-after children (CLA)
  3. Students in receipt of Pupil Premium funding (ie eligible for free school meals at any point in the 6 years prior to the application closing date. The school will require proof of eligibility for Pupil Premium funding with the final school report for predicted grades and reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a place if it has been made on the basis of an incorrect or misleading application)
  4. All other students.

Conditional places will be offered based on predicted GCSE grades supplied by the applicant’s school or in a school report. 

Places will be confirmed following the publication of GCSE results. Applicants need to provide proof of their GCSE results to the school between 11.00am and 1.00pm on GCSE Results Day. Students due to be away on Results Day must make arrangements for their results to be sent to the school. If proof of results is not received by 1.00pm, the conditional offer of a place may be withdrawn. Students also need to bring proof of eligibility for Pupil Premium funding or that they are CLA.

Exceptional circumstances

Where there are exceptional personal circumstances, the Headteacher reserves the right to award a place in the Sixth Form. This applies where it can be shown that these circumstances experienced in Year 11 have impacted detrimentally on a student’s examination performance and that they have the academic potential to study in the Sixth Form.

Sixth Form Curriculum

A Levels



Computer Science

Design and Technology: Product Design


English Literature


Fine Art


Further Mathematics







Religious Studies





A Level subject information is available to download here.

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

The EPQ allows each student to embark on a largely self-directed and self-motivated project. Students choose a topic, plan, research, and develop their idea. Students must also record their project process in their project process in their production log. The process of recording and completing a project is as important as the finished essay. Both the production log and product will be assessed.

Many universities believe that the EPQ offers an unparalleled introduction to the skills needed for students to thrive in Higher Education, including the development and application of decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, initiative and enterprise as well as extending planning, research, critical-thinking, analytical, synthesis, evaluation and presentation skills.

EPQ titles have included:

  • Are there more than two genders?
  • How far can it be argued that the quality of diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's in the UK varies due to ethnic minority status?
  • Was the Lehman Brothers collapse avoidable? Are we still at risk or have economists learnt from the crisis?
  • Will the human race ever travel through time?
  • Are the aesthetics of a building compromised when priority is given to eco-friendliness over visual appearance?


Our consistent examination success is unquestionable, as demonstrated by our high position in all league tables. Over 95% of our students continue into higher education, with around 60% gaining places at Russell Group universities. We offer comprehensive preparation for university entrance including Oxbridge. Some of the most popular subject choices include History, English, Medicine, Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages, Business Studies and Law.

We encourage students to explore all routes which has included the KPMG school leavers' programme as well as apprenticeships e.g. JLR and Cushman & Wakefield, whilst on gap years.

Our weekly choices sessions enable us to invite external providers including companies and universities, to ensure that students are provided with up to date and relevant information.

A list of last years student destinations are available below:

Year 13 Destinations 2017
Year 13 Destinations 2016

Application System

There are two parts of the applications system.

Part A is to complete the electronic application form to provide your details, current school information and the subjects you would like to study at A Level [Deadline for 2018 entry was Friday 19th January 2018.

Part B is to post a paper copy of your official and final school predicted grades to Sixth Form Admissions, Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls, Jockey Road, Birmingham, B73 5PT. This will complete your application.

The deadline for this submission was Friday 23rd March 2018 and offer decisions will be made after this date.

If your school will not have provided you with this information by this date you will not be disadvantaged, but we kindly ask you to make us aware of this by emailing us via as soon as possible.

We will be able to make a decision on your offer once we have received your official and final predicted grades.