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Governing Board

Members and Trustees

The Members of the Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls Academy Trust (the “Academy Trust”) are a small body whose responsibility it is to have an oversight of the school’s affairs. The Members’ primary responsibilities are approving the annual audited accounts and re-appointing the school’s statutory auditors. 

The Trustees of the Academy Trust are the Governing Board, with whom ultimate responsibility and accountability for the day to day running of the school lies.

The role of the Governing Board

The Governing Board at Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls has a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school;
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent, and its assets are used effectively.

Who are the Governors?

The Governors are a group of individuals with a broad mix of skills, knowledge and experience, and with a strong commitment to the school and its pupils. The Governors are drawn from the parents, the staff and the community. 

The current Governors of Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls are:

Charlotte Senior - Chair of Governors (Community Governor)

Charlotte is a Community Governor and lives in Sutton Coldfield with her husband and two young children.  She is a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW) and Chartered Tax Advisor (CIOT), and works for a large professional services firm.  In her spare time, Charlotte enjoys cooking, travelling, spending time with friends and family, and exploring a good National Trust estate!

Antony Maguire (Staff Governor)

Steve Millman (Community Governor)

Steve is a Community Governor who has spent most of his life in Sutton Coldfield, although he originates from London.  He has known Sutton Girls first as a parent and subsequently as a teacher (of Mathematics) and, now retired, is pleased to be able to continue to support the School by serving on the Governing Board.  Steve is a committed family man, and he and his wife devote much of their time to their five children and eight grandchildren.

Mike Overton (Parent Governor)

Mike is a Community Governor and lives in Ashby de La Zouch with his wife and two children, both ex-pupils of the School.  He is a Chartered Engineer, and works for a large automotive manufacturer.  In his spare time, Mike enjoys cycling, socialising with friends and family, and taking in a good walk, often around a National Trust estate.

Barbara Minards - Headteacher


Matthew Jeavons (Co-opted Governor)

Helen Booth (Parent Governor)

Helen is a Parent Governor with three daughters, two of whom currently attend Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls.  She is a Member of the Chartered Society of Forensic Scientists (MCSFS) and a Certified Lead Auditor, and currently works as Performance Manager for a local Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s office.  In her spare time, Helen runs a local netball team and enjoys spending time with friends, family and her mischievous Hungarian Vizsla.

Shaistah Zeidan (Parent Governor)

Shai is a Parent Governor.  She has a medical and legal background and is a strong believer in a good work/life balance.  She is busy, yet content, juggling work with raising three children herself, along with various pets.  In her spare time, Shai has various volunteer roles involving the younger generation, helping to instil a positive mindset and skills for them to thrive in the increasingly busy society of today.  She also enjoys time with family, friends, the great outdoors, as well as photography, music, and a good book.

Neil Dance - Vice Chair (Community Governor)

Neil is a Community Governor who lives in Walmley with his wife and two teenage boys. Neil is a Rail Engineer with over 30 years’ experience of project delivery across the UK.  He has a keen interest in football, rugby, politics and cookery.

Manjit Nahal (Parent Governor)


Janet Redman (Parent Governor) 

Janet is a Parent Governor and lives in Nether Whitacre with her husband and daughter who is a pupil at SCGSG. She is a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and works as a Finance Director for a software company.

In her spare time Janet volunteers for the school Parents Association, helping with communications to parents and overseeing the 150 Club. She loves reading, running her own online book club as well as participating in a local community club and enjoys regular yoga classes.

Sundeep Grewal (Community Governor)

Awaiting photograph

The structure of the Governing Board

In order to carry out our role efficiently and effectively, the detailed work of the Governing Board is delegated to and undertaken by several committees, which are sub-committees of the main Board of Trustees. In addition to attending the Full Governing Board meetings, all governors sit on at least one sub-committee. The sub-committees report back to termly meetings of the Full Governing Board at which broader issues are discussed and agreed.

The Committee Structure and Date for the 2023/24 academic year can be found here.

Finance Committee (Chair - Charlotte Senior)

It is a requirement of all academy trusts’ funding agreements to follow the Academy Trust Handbook, which sets out duties in relation to governance and financial oversight, alongside a structure of delegated authorities. The Finance Committee is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the Academy Trust Handbook are met by the school, and that appropriate financial policy, planning and oversight is in place.

The Finance Committee will also ensure that the school’s assets and funds are used only in accordance with legislation, the Articles of Association, their funding agreement and the Academy Trust Handbook. 

Audit and Risk Committee (Chair – Helen Booth)

The academy trust must establish an audit and risk committee appointed by the board. The audit and risk committee should meet at least three times a year.

The committee is responsible for overseeing and approving the trusts programme of internal scrutiny; ensuring risks are being addressed appropriately through internal scrutiny and reporting to the board on the adequacy of the trust’s internal control framework, including financial and non-financial controls and management of risks. 

Operations Committee (Chair – Michael Overton)

Academy trusts are responsible for the day-to-day running of the school land and buildings, as well as the health and safety of pupils and staff. The Operations Committee will be responsible for all matters relating to the operational running of the school land and buildings, as well as oversight of the school catering provision and the school’s digital requirements.

Curriculum Committee (Chair – Steve Millman)

The Curriculum Committee is responsible for ensuring that the school curriculum (in line with the Education Act 2002, s78) is balanced and broadly based, and:

  • Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and
  • Prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

Welfare and Access Committee (Chair – Matthew Jeavons)

The Governing Board has a responsibility under the Education Act 2002 and under statutory guidance to ensure that the school has effective safeguarding policies and procedures in place. The Governing Board also has a duty to oversee the welfare of pupils and staff.

The Welfare and Access Committee is responsible for ensuring compliance with all current guidance and legislation on the welfare of staff and pupils, together with ensuring the school’s compliance with child protection and safeguarding regulations. It also has oversight of matters relating to staff CPD and appraisal and PSHE provision within the school, as well as overseeing all access and inclusion matters.

Pay Committee

The Pay Committee is responsible for matters relating to remuneration of staff, the Headteacher’s objectives and performance and undertaking an annual review of staff salaries.

Other statutory committees

  • Complaints Committee
  • 'First Committee'
  • Appeals Committee

When the Governors meet

A calendar of meetings is established for each school year. Typically the full Governing Board meets four times during the year, with powers delegated to the sub-committees. The Curriculum Committee, Operations Committee and Welfare and Access Committee meet once per term, and the Finance Committee meets every half-term. The Pay Committee meets as necessary to fulfil its delegated responsibilities: typically three times in the autumn term and once in the spring term. The Governors of extra-statutory committees can and do meet at other times if needs arise.

A summary of meeting attendance for 2019-20 can be downloaded here.

A summary of meeting attendance for 2020-21 can be downloaded here.

A summary of meeting attendance for 2021-22 can be downloaded here.

A summary of meeting attendance for 2022-23 can be downloaded here.

This document also has information regarding the Register of Interests.

Governing Board procedures and Terms of Reference

The Governing Board procedures and Terms of Reference booklet for 2023/24 can be downloaded here.

Governing Board Code of Conduct

The Governing Board Code of Conduct (and information regarding the Register of Interests) can be downloaded here.

Contact the Governors

The Governors welcome and value comments on the school. Please contact the Chair of Governors in writing:

The Chair of Governors,
c/o Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls,
Jockey Road,
Sutton Coldfield.
B73 5PT

or by email

Are you interested in joining the Governing Board?

The Governing Board is a dynamic structure, which relies on a continuing influx of members to replace those who retire at the end of their term of office. New Governors ensure diversity, fresh opinions, new views and ideas, and ensure that the strategy and direction of the school remains relevant to the needs of the students and community.

There are different categories of Governor, and vacancies in each category are filled in different ways. Where Parent Governor vacancies arise, letters are sent to parents of current students to invite applications to commence the process.

If you feel you may wish to become a future Governor, please contact Mrs Charlotte Senior, the Chair of Governors.