Wellbeing Week 2023
As Wellbeing Week draws to a close for another year, it is great to look back on all the activities and events that have been happening in school during the past week to help students look after their Wellbeing.
The school Wellbeing themes of Getting active, Trying something new, Being mindful, Having fun and Giving to others have been at the forefront of all the different activities. Some examples have included the Year 7s trying a Ceilidh dance, the year 10s building their resilience as they tried to master plate spinning, year 9s working together in the drumming workshop and the staff having fun and giving to others at the Phoenix Staff Just Dance charity event which, with a non-uniform day, raised an excellent total of £1,336.46!
It has been a very positive week in school, and we are immensely proud of how all the students have engaged with the activities.
Mrs M Lucas,
Assistant Headteacher