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Staff Teams

Names of some of the key staff in school are included below:-

Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher - Dr B Minards

Deputy Headteachers - Mrs K Downing and Mr N Eaton

Assistant Headteachers - Mrs M Lucas, Mr M Nott and Mrs S Hart

Finance and Operations Director - Mr D Thorp

Pastoral Teams

Head of Year 7 and Year 6 Transition - Mrs M Mahoney

Head of Year 8 - Mrs L Neal

Heads of Year 9 - Mrs M Mahoney and Mrs L Neal

Head of Year 10 - Miss E Homer

Head of Year 11 - Miss E Hewitt

Assistant Head of Sixth Form - Miss J Bailey

SENCO - Miss D Greenfield

Student Support and Character Mentor - Mrs A Hart

Sixth Form Administrator – Miss E Whittingham

Pastoral Administrator for Years 7-9 - Mrs H Roper

Pastoral Administrator for Years 10-11 - Mrs A Hart

Administrative Staff

Finance and Operations Director - Mr D Thorp

Finance Officer - Mrs S Briguglio

HR Manager - Mrs A Forshaw

Examinations Officer & Data Protection Officer (DPO) - Mr A Maguire

IT Systems Leader - Mr M Moody

Facilities and Compliance Manager - Mr A Parker

Heads of Department

Art - Miss S Parkes

Biology - Mr D Pockson

Business Studies/Economics - Mr M O'Rourke

Chemistry - Ms C Duley

Design - Mr J Perks

Drama - Mrs K Downie

English - Mrs J Manning

Geography - Mrs H Chiverton

History - Mrs F Heeks

Mathematics and Computer Science - Mrs E Bubb

Media Studies - Ms L Hobson

Modern Foreign Languages - Miss E Franklin

Music - Mr C Collet

PE - Miss R Hughes

Physics - Miss B Thomson

Psychology - Mrs S Alderson 

RS - Mrs A Shah