SCGSG Prospectus - 2024-25

Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls


We are delighted to welcome you to Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls. Our school’s nurturing environment allows us, as the student body, to reach our full potential whilst also shaping us into well-rounded individuals. With supportive and dedicated teaching and support staff, we are all encouraged to develop a lifelong love of learning, pursue our interests and to be our best self. There are so many clubs and societies available for students in all year groups to join including drama, sport, music, debating, gardening, robotics, feminism and more. These opportunities encourage us to challenge ourselves, make new friends, develop our confidence and leadership skills. Alongside the extra-curricular activities, the house system is a key aspect of our school community. The various house competitions and charity days held throughout the year enable the whole school to have fun, there’s truly something for everyone! Our wellbeing is particularly valued at Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls. The focus on character development along with the excellent pastoral teams make sure everybody is supported during their journey here. We have asked that each section of this prospectus be written by a student, starting with Year 7 all the way up to Year 12 to share their experiences. We hope you enjoy reading and we look forward to meeting you at one of our open events. Warm welcome from our Student Ambassador team Sancia, Alice, Lexi, Keeley and Marwa Senior Student Ambassadors 3

My first day at Sutton Girls was wonderful! Older students were so hospitable from the start, and I was already starting to feel settled in! I enjoyed every minute of it and came back the next day at school cheerfully. It is a great pleasure to learn here, with some of my favourite subjects being French, Maths and English. In addition to normal lessons, there are so many clubs that are available and one for everyone (I love the Minecraft Coding Club!) By the way, when you get your ID card a top tip is to draw a mini timetable to put on the back of it. I have really enjoyed my first year here at Sutton Girls, as they will surely treat you with a warm welcome! A diverse and supportive environment by a Year 7 student 4



Being at Sutton Girls is like being in a second family. Nobody will judge you for anything; instead, they’ll appreciate you for who you are. The transition into secondary school was challenging but no matter what happened, we kept expanding our horizons, making friends, and studying hard. These experiences have helped me explore myself more and boost my self-esteem. In Year 8, we are mixed up into teaching groups. This helps a lot as it helps you to socialise with other people other than your form classmates. Together, as a year group, we’ll help each other to achieve together. Our school has an enjoyable environment and friendly atmosphere that’ll help you fit right in! Guidance from a community of staff and peers by a Year 8 student 7

Year 9 has been my favourite year at Sutton Girls so far. You feel really settled into the school, carry on learning all your subjects from Year 8 and can try even more clubs. There are so many new opportunities and things to get involved in from the school show, music concerts, sports teams to charity days. The year is also full of activities to make choosing your options and starting GCSEs an easier and smoother transition. Curriculum evening is a chance to find out more about the different GCSE courses. This, coupled with an earlier parents’ evening ensures that your options are the right ones for you. Also the careers day we have helps when it comes to choosing our options as we have the chance to speak to students already on the courses. This is beneficial because we understood what the GCSE was like from a student’s point of view. We love every moment of this year! by a Year 9 student Confident and enthusiastic learners 8



Year 10 is a vital year, so it is reassuring, having chosen our options, to be in a place that encourages us to strive for achievement not only in our exams, but also in our lives outside of school. Many of us have been working towards our Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, which has been challenging and extremely rewarding. I think that the focus on our mental health and positive thinking is invaluable, as it helps us to succeed in one of the most demanding years of school. I have appreciated the number of enrichment opportunities offered to us in Year 10 which help to give us a unique experience in all of our subjects and prepare us for our GCSEs next year. There are also several chances to go on trips throughout the year, and there are also many events which help to motivate us and refresh our experiences in school. by a Year 10 student Opportunities inside and outside of the classroom 11

This year has been one of my best at Sutton Girls and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I have had many leadership opportunities and responsibilities; I ran a lunchtime drama club for the Year 7s and 8s which was a lot of fun for everyone involved; I look forward to seeing this continue in future years. The level of trust and responsibility which we are given has enabled us to grow in confidence and independence. Our teachers have provided us with much support and guidance in the run-up to our GCSE exams, which has been both helpful and reassuring as they were able to address any concerns that we had. There is a lot of hard work involved in Year 11 but we have a lot of fun along the way and I personally have made some long-lasting memories. Year 11 is a great year and is not as daunting as I once thought it would be, so if you decide to come to Sutton Girls enjoy your time here, because I have had some of the best experiences and I hope you do too. Enhancing their academic potential by a Year 11 student 12

An atmosphere that allows you to thrive academically and develop personally Year 11 Student 13


Life in Sixth Form at Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls offers an environment in which students are challenged, both academically and personally. Students are largely responsible for their own time management, thereby cultivating independence in preparation for life beyond Sutton Girls. Alongside rigorous academic studies, our Sixth Form students are an integral part of the school community, acting as role models to the younger year groups. They are encouraged to assume positions of responsibility such as the numerous prefect roles available within each of the character strengths: Respect, Positive and Resilient, Making Good Decisions, Integrity and Love of Learning. These provide opportunities for sixth form students to lead on whole school events including the House system, Charity and Wellbeing, School Forum, Year 7 and 12 Transition, and Curriculum Enhancement. In striving for academic success, Sutton Girls facilitates a welcoming and caring atmosphere in which to learn. Staff are fully invested in each and every individual and a student’s wellbeing is of equal importance to their studies. Sixth Form at Sutton Girls begins to shape students in their early adulthood, ensuring they go out into the world as aspirational, well-rounded people, capable of leading successful lives however they choose. A challenging, inspiring and stimulating place by a Year 12 student 15

I am so proud to be the Headteacher of Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls. This is a really happy, supportive and successful school where students, teachers and support staff work together. This prospectus has been written by students and gives an insight into their journey which takes them from Year 7 through to the Sixth Form. Whilst there are experiences which are specific to each year group, every school day is packed with opportunities to learn and grow. Students are encouraged to develop their love of learning, foster their existing skills, gain new interests and build friendships. Our environment is a supportive and aspirational one where growth mindset approaches are embedded. We value effort, embrace challenges and continue to develop our character strengths. Our students are motivated, engaged and contribute significantly to our school community alongside their commitment to academic studies. There are numerous opportunities for students to get involved in school life by participating in house activities, attending clubs, playing sports, representing their peers at student forum and performing in music, drama and dance shows. There is a long history of charity involvement at Sutton Girls, we support a range of causes locally, nationally and globally. Many of the charity events are completely led by students who continue to show their interest in the world around them and their commitment to making a difference. Thank you for your interest in Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls. I hope to meet you at one of our open events soon. Dr Barbara Minards Headteacher A word from the Headteacher 16

Not for our own advantage, but for the common good. 17

Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls Jockey Road, Sutton Coldfield, B73 5PT t: 0121 354 1479 e: w: